
St. George’s Anglican Church

We are located at 12656 Thirteen Mile Road (on the north side, half way between Denfield Road and Vanneck Road).

Facebook page: St. George’s Anglican Church Denfield (@stgeorgesdenfield)
Parish Phone number with answering machine: 519-666-2087
Parish Secretary: Kaywyn Allison kaywynallison@hotmail.com 519-666-0394
Priest: Rev. Bob Masters bobmasters@diohuron.org
Deacon: Rev. Patricia Allison patriciaallison@diohuron.org 519-666-0394


Our regular services are at 10:15 a.m. every Sunday.


The Saturday Night team at St. John’s in London, preparing and serving meals to the homeless and needy.

May be an image of 3 people

~ and an example of the Easter Gardens built by the children of our Church School to decorate their homes.


Welcome to St. George’s!!

We are a joyful and welcoming congregation that worships together in a historic church nestled in an idyllic rural setting. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome here – to join us as we learn and grow as followers of Jesus Christ.

The members of our congregation come from a wide array of neighbourhoods and backgrounds, but all share a determination to live out their Christian faith in their homes and communities. Our hope is that St. George’s becomes your welcoming and inclusive church home where you seek God’s Spirit in your life, learn and grow in faith, and experience God’s love for you and the world.

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15 a.m.