Newcomers to St. George’s

A typical Sunday at St. George’s
• You will be greeted as you enter the church and handed a worship program that will guide you through the service – so no previous experience is necessary.
• Simply find a comfortable seat and follow along.
• Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly when you need to stand or sit (it isn’t really that important) and only join in when you feel comfortable.
• There will be a monetary offering taken up (you are welcome to contribute to the operation of the parish, but please do not feel you have to!).
• We celebrate Holy Communion (also referred to as the Holy Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper) at our weekly services. All baptized Christians are welcomed to receive the bread and the wine. Simply come up to the altar rail at the time of communion to receive with everyone else. Cup your hands to receive the bread and accept the cup. If you do not wish to receive, you may still come forward, cross your arms over your chest and receive a blessing. [As a result of pandemic measures, the procedures for Holy Communion may be a little different from those described above, but clear instructions will be provided by the clergy!]
• If there is a question that comes to mind during the service, please ask after the service or send an email to Rev’d Bob at
• We are fully accessible and look forward to seeing you!